AC Maintenance Tips: Seven Sure Signs Your Unit Needs a Tune Up

Regular AC maintenance is essential to keeping your system running smoothly and avoiding expensive repairs when something goes wrong. Classic Heating and Air loves sharing AC maintenance tips with our valued customers to ensure that their units stay in tip-top shape for years to come. Scheduling maintenance checks and tune-ups with Classic is simple, cost efficient and gives you peace of mind regarding your air conditioner. Do you remember the last time your AC had a tune-up? Check out our tips for determining when your unit is due for a visit.

  1. Your Energy Bill Goes Up. Of course, you will have a higher bill in July and August than you did in February or March. However, an electric bill that is significantly higher than usual is a big red flag. When your AC is not functioning at peak efficiency, it uses extra energy to cool (or attempt to cool) your home or office.
  2. Your System Runs Constantly But Only Blows Warm Air. If you have the AC set to “auto,” you never hear it shut off, and you still find yourself sweating, it’s probably time to schedule a maintenance visit. More often than not, your system will continue running in attempts to lower the temperature, even when it can’t put out cold air.
  3. Your AC Vents Put Out Weak Airflows. If the air coming out of your AC is cool, but the flow seems weak and ineffective, it’s time to consider a tune-up or inspection. Poor airflow is usually a sign of a leaky duct or clogged filters, both of which a simple, inexpensive repair can remedy.

  1. Your Thermostat Readings Change Dramatically From Room-to-Room. Temperature fluctuations between rooms can mean many different things. Sun light, insulation, or air-tight windows can all be to blame, but an annual AC tune-up will help you identify any potentially serious causes of this change in temperature.
  2. You Hear “Unusual” Sounds Coming From Your AC Unit. After owning a cooling system for years, you’re probably familiar with the sounds it makes on a regular basis. If you hear any strange or surprising sounds from your AC, schedule a tune-up as soon as possible to identify the issue.
  3. You Notice Mold-Inducing Moisture or Odors. A strange musty odor is often due to a leaking, blocked or broken drain tube on your outdoor compressor. A tune-up can help you identify and solve this issue before it becomes an expensive repair.
  4. You Haven’t had a Tune-Up in Over a Year. AC maintenance is critical to keep your system running efficiently and save you money in the long term. If your AC hasn’t had a tune-up in more than a year, contact your air conditioning company and schedule one today!

At Classic Heating and Air, we are committed to providing our clients with quality Mckinney’s Heating and Air Conditioning service at a competitive price point. If you have any questions regarding AC maintenance tips or services we offer, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are available by phone 214-851-2824 or online here:

Classic Heating and Air | AC Maintenance Tips | 214-851-2824


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